Sunday, October 22, 2017

# 68 - Niger, the Next Benghazi ?

Niger -the Next Benghazi ?

I really, really hope not. The fact that Trump waited two weeks to talk about this does not mean this is a conspiracy,  it's just his typical self-centered stupidity on display,....again.  Its his avoidance gene, which precludes him from every admitting he made a mistake, and it kicks in every time he screws up causes him to... lie and lie and lie. 

It's really a shame we can't get his nose to grow.  I'd pay be bucks to see that.

Yes, Niger needs to be looked at to determine: 

a) what was the military objective?
b) what actually happened?
c) what went wrong? 
d) and most importantly, for the sake of our men and women in military service, what do we need to do to avoid it from happening again?

But that's it friends. One investigation, not 17. 

Some Democrats will look at this as an opportunity for payback for the political posturing
by Republicans who went after Hillary Clinton on the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, relentlessly, over and over and over again, wastefully, and in my opinion, disgracefully, with investigations upon investigation. 

Republicans could not let go of Benghazi, that's because, sad to say, somewhere along their path, they lost sight of their way and concluded that their objective should always be to  put party over country, (said the former Republican).   This is just one of many examples.

Still, I sincerely hope that Democrats will realize that they already have enough crap to take Trump down in the next election (or sooner, if we could be that lucky) without politicizing the loss of four soldiers in the fog of war.    Let the families of these four men mourn their loved ones as peacefully as humanly possible.

Yes, I do hope Democrats can keep it together and show Republicans that there is a better way.  I hope that they can show all Americans what real leadership looks like.  

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