Tuesday, June 6, 2017

#42 - The Walll Street Journal Calls Out The Number One Enemy of the State

No it wasn't the Liberal Press, Nancy Pelosi, the Judiciary branch of government or ISIS, it was Donald Trump himself

In today's opinion piece, entitled "The Buck Stops Everywhere Else", the conservative Wall Street Journal discusses yesterday's twitter storm where Mr. Trump first ex­pressed sol­i­dar­ity with the British peo­ple af­ter the Lon­don ter­ror attack, but then  as­sailed Lon­don Mayor Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, for sup­posedly min­i­miz­ing the threat, though what Mr. Khan said was that there was no rea­son to be alarmed by an en­larged po­lice pres­ence af­ter the ram­page. “Pa­thetic ex­cuse,” Mr. Trump called it.

The opinion piece goes on to address several tweets on his, using his own word, travel ban

“Peo­ple, the lawyers and the courts can call it what­ever they want,” Mr. Trump wrote. “I am call­ing it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!” Mr. Trump added that “The Jus­tice Dept. should have stayed with the orig­i­nal Travel Ban, not the wa­tered down, po­lit­i­cally cor­rect ver­sion they sub­mit­ted to S.C.”

The authors argue that Trump is simultaneously sabotaging the legal basis for the travel ban by exercising core presidential powers over foreign affairs which is counterproductive and the courts won't like.  Layer on the fact that he is throwing his own team under the bus, the piece comments that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would be justified in resigning, as would others, leaving the Trump Administration made up of family members and Steve Bannon.

In closing the piece says: "In other words, in 140-char­ac­ter in­cre­ments, Mr. Trump di­min­ished his own stand­ing by caus­ing a mi­nor in­ternational in­ci­dent, demonstrated that the loy­alty he de­mands of the peo­ple who work for him isn’t rec­i­p­ro­cal, set back his pol­icy goals and wasted time that he could have de­voted to health care, tax re­form or “in­frastructure week.” Mark it all down as fur­ther ev­i­dence that the most ef­fec­tive op­po­nent of the Trump Pres­i­dency is Don­ald J. Trump."

We welcome the Wall Street Journal to the Bizarro World of Donald Trump, and we encourage their ongoing perspective.  I would be thrilled if their presence, their firepower completely diminishes my own very tiny voice. This would be a win of huge proportions. Big League.  Believe me.  Of course it would mean that I would have to find another hobby.  Who knows? Maybe there is still time to take up golf..

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