Sunday, July 15, 2018

#103 - The Patriotism of Donald Trump

So now Donald Trump is blaming Barack Obama for failure to stop the Russian election interference, that same Russian election interference that he enthusiastically egged on during his own Presidential campaign.  

Can someone please explain to me, how anyone can believe this knucklehead...on anything?

Let's not forget that Obama reached out to Mitch McConnell, America's Chief Obstruction Officer, about Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election the month before the election, but McConnell refused to sign on to a bipartisan statement of condemnation.  You're not surprised are you?  I have written several times about McConnell's obstructionist, party over country, swamp-like behavior, and this was just one of many disgusting acts, but it does stand out.  When a Democratic president asked the Republican Senate Majority Leader to put party politics aside, to be a true patriot and send a message to our country's biggest enemy, the Senate Majority Leader didn't think twice about doing the right thing.  He did the right thing ...for his party that is, and kept his silence.   

Of course, Trump conveniently ignores this fact in his attempt to blame Obama for his own failure to take Russian election interference seriously.  

I have written sparingly about the topic of Russian election interference, in part because as of the date of this posting anyway, no Americans have been indited and convicted of collusion or obstruction of justice, but also because there is so much stupidity, incompetence and hatred on display within the Trump administration, that there is more than enough material for someone who still has a day job to write about.   But the indictments against another dozen Russian military members announced by Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the detailed accounts showcase the reality of the attacks on our democracy by the Putin led government and should insult all Americans.  All patriotic Americans anyway.

Donald Trump does not see it this way.  Regarding his upcoming meeting/summit with Putin in Helsinki tomorrow, he says he will ask Putin about Russian involvement in our election.  Ask?  He will ask? What is there to ask?  Sorry, Mr. President, as the so-called leader of the Free World, it is your duty and responsibility to show strength against our enemy and tell our enemy  that we know what they did, that we know he was behind it, and that we won't tolerate it. This is a position maintained by key members of your own administration up and down the line and all you are going to do is ask?   What is wrong with you?   How weak can you be?  This is no longer a debate.  Please Mr. President, show a little backbone when it really matters, not just when its politically convenient.

In an interview in Scotland with CBS Evening News on Saturday Trump continued to criticize the special counsel's Russia investigation, saying it is having an impact on America's standing in the world. "I think we're greatly hampered by this whole witch hunt that's going on in the United States," the president said. "I think it hurts our relationship with Russia. I actually think it hurts our relationship with a lot of countries. I think it's a disgrace what's going on."

Let me get this straight?  Our investigation of Russian election interference hurts our relationship with Russia?  And its a disgrace?!  But....aren't we concerned about Russia?  Just a little bit even?

Trump supporters will deny this, but Donald Trump has a perverse view of patriotism, and he pulls it out only to serves his own selfish purpose.  When NFL players knelt during the national anthem to protest oppression of people of color, he purposely took a small issue and made it bigger.  His divisive commentary was another vile attempt to belittle and denigrate those who disagree with him, by questioning their patriotism in order to use it to fit his own minuscule political purpose.  This made him appear strong to his base, and they ate it up.  But when a really big issue should be made bigger, when real patriotism is required, when Vladimir Putin and Russia attack us, instead of walking tall and carrying a big stick, he calls much of the news media the enemy of the people,  declares the European Union our foe and blames it all on his predecessor.

Welcome to the Patriotism of Donald Trump.

Its hard to comprehend and makes no rational sense. Maybe he is just confused, Maybe he is just trying to buy time.  Maybe he is just waiting for his next orders from the Kremlin.

As I type these words, as unbelievable as I admit this notion is, it is the only logical explanation which fits all the facts.

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