Friday, February 23, 2018

#86 - Mad Man Across The River

“If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms," he said, "they could very well end the attack very quickly."
"Where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them," he said, while acknowledging the plan was controversial, "they would go for special training and they would be there, and you would no longer have a gun-free zone”
Those are the words of President Trump who attended yesterday’s “listening” session with gun control advocates
God help us all. Where will it end?

When the next mad man shoots up a Starbucks, what are we going to do ? Arm the baristas?
When the next mad man shoots up a city bus, what are we going to do? Arm the bus drivers?
When the next mad man shoots up a hospital, what are we going to do? Arm the nurses?
When the next mad man shoots up a church, what are we going to do, arm the clergy? No of course not, that’s absurd....we will arm the choir directors.
When the next mad man runs for President, what are we going do? Vote for him?
Not me. Never. Over my dead body. I have not lost my sanity …. yet.
And I hope to God you have not either.

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