Saturday, January 13, 2018

#81 - The New Image of America in the World

President Trump’s recent derogatory comments about Immigrants from shithole countries like Haiti and from Africa who should be left out of America for good, while we open up our doors for all the white folk from Norway, are just the most recent in a series of comments and actions over the course of his lifetime proving beyond any reasonable doubt, that we elected a good ol’ fashioned bigot to be President of, what used to be, the greatest country in the world.

It used to be that people around the world looked up to us as a beacon of hope and an example of what they could aspire to.  In America, they used to say, it didn’t matter who your were or where you came from or the color of your skin, if you were smart and worked hard, the playing field was level and you could succeed.

Now those same people around the world look at us and they see our president, and they listen to his words and their emotions vacillate from shock and dismay sadness and disappointment anger and hate.  They now conclude that everything they once believed about America, all of it, was just a lie. 

The goodwill and moral authority built up by America over almost two and half centuries by real American patriots of all political persuasions has been eclipsed in the blink of an eye by a self-centered real estate mogul who has pulled the curtains back and showed the world, this is the real America, this is who we really are. We are a country which believes that we are superior to the rest of the world, that we know what is best for all of you, that if you follow us, you will be lucky enough to pick up our crumbs.

I don’t believe that mind you, I don’t believe it all.  But sadly, it is the perception which emanates out from the Oval Office on a recurring basis. And in this day and age of 24x7 news and social media, now more than ever, perception so easily turns in to reality.

Yes, President Donald Trump, consummate salesman that he is, is selling the world on his image of America.  And he thinks it great.

But that’s not the real bad part.

The real bad part is the rest of the Republican Party is fully complicit with his sales pitch.  They will do anything to further their own goals.  Oh sure, a few will release statements denouncing the President’s most recent comments, or any one of the many more sure to come, but it won’t change their actions. They will continue to tolerate his unacceptable behavior, because they have their eye on their own individual prizes, be it tax reform to benefit their ultra-wealthy supporters, or the installation of conservative justices at all levels of the judiciary, or the introduction of legal steps advancing voter suppression or entitlement “reform”.

When will we see one Republican in Trump’s own Administration, in his own cabinet or in Congress stand up and say. “I will not tolerate the actions of this evil man. I will not do anything to lend credence to the falsehoods he spreads, and the only way I can do this today is to resign my position, effective immediately”.

When will a few good Republicans jump on the metaphorical hand grenade and sacrifice themselves for their mates, and for their country?  When will a few good Republicans stand up for the ideals that still make this country great, despite the fact that mad man at the top of the heap wants desperately to mold the country in to his own sickening image?

The truth is you won’t see this, ever.  Those Republicans are long gone.  Those Republicans were from another generation and sadly, they have either died off or are too old and weak to make a difference any more. 

And the Republicans who now remain are all too willing to sacrifice the image of America for their own personal gains. Because you see for this generation of Republicans, it was never about America, like Donald Trump, it’s always been about them.    

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