Saturday, January 13, 2018

#81 - The New Image of America in the World

President Trump’s recent derogatory comments about Immigrants from shithole countries like Haiti and from Africa who should be left out of America for good, while we open up our doors for all the white folk from Norway, are just the most recent in a series of comments and actions over the course of his lifetime proving beyond any reasonable doubt, that we elected a good ol’ fashioned bigot to be President of, what used to be, the greatest country in the world.

It used to be that people around the world looked up to us as a beacon of hope and an example of what they could aspire to.  In America, they used to say, it didn’t matter who your were or where you came from or the color of your skin, if you were smart and worked hard, the playing field was level and you could succeed.

Now those same people around the world look at us and they see our president, and they listen to his words and their emotions vacillate from shock and dismay sadness and disappointment anger and hate.  They now conclude that everything they once believed about America, all of it, was just a lie. 

The goodwill and moral authority built up by America over almost two and half centuries by real American patriots of all political persuasions has been eclipsed in the blink of an eye by a self-centered real estate mogul who has pulled the curtains back and showed the world, this is the real America, this is who we really are. We are a country which believes that we are superior to the rest of the world, that we know what is best for all of you, that if you follow us, you will be lucky enough to pick up our crumbs.

I don’t believe that mind you, I don’t believe it all.  But sadly, it is the perception which emanates out from the Oval Office on a recurring basis. And in this day and age of 24x7 news and social media, now more than ever, perception so easily turns in to reality.

Yes, President Donald Trump, consummate salesman that he is, is selling the world on his image of America.  And he thinks it great.

But that’s not the real bad part.

The real bad part is the rest of the Republican Party is fully complicit with his sales pitch.  They will do anything to further their own goals.  Oh sure, a few will release statements denouncing the President’s most recent comments, or any one of the many more sure to come, but it won’t change their actions. They will continue to tolerate his unacceptable behavior, because they have their eye on their own individual prizes, be it tax reform to benefit their ultra-wealthy supporters, or the installation of conservative justices at all levels of the judiciary, or the introduction of legal steps advancing voter suppression or entitlement “reform”.

When will we see one Republican in Trump’s own Administration, in his own cabinet or in Congress stand up and say. “I will not tolerate the actions of this evil man. I will not do anything to lend credence to the falsehoods he spreads, and the only way I can do this today is to resign my position, effective immediately”.

When will a few good Republicans jump on the metaphorical hand grenade and sacrifice themselves for their mates, and for their country?  When will a few good Republicans stand up for the ideals that still make this country great, despite the fact that mad man at the top of the heap wants desperately to mold the country in to his own sickening image?

The truth is you won’t see this, ever.  Those Republicans are long gone.  Those Republicans were from another generation and sadly, they have either died off or are too old and weak to make a difference any more. 

And the Republicans who now remain are all too willing to sacrifice the image of America for their own personal gains. Because you see for this generation of Republicans, it was never about America, like Donald Trump, it’s always been about them.    

Sunday, January 7, 2018

#80 - Republicans Say the Darndest Things

I have leaned Right most of my life, but I began leaning Left in the new millennium.  There was no single reason, but a look at my take of the 2017 Top Ten Darndest Things said by born and raised hard core and high level Republicans in the first year of the administration of Donald J. Trump reaffirm for me, that my own shift in political leaning was one of the smarter things I have ever done in my life.

(Limit one quote per person)

#10 - Steve Bannon, former Chief Strategist for President Donald J Trump: “They are going to crack Donny Junior like an egg on National TV” …priceless

#9 - Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor for President Donald J. Trump: “I respectfully decline to answer the question and hereby invoke my Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination.”…did I really say National Security Advisor?

#8 - Anthony Scaramucci, former Director of Communications for President Donald J. Trump: “Reince is a f****** paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac…‘Let me leak the f****** thing and see if I can c***-block these people the way I c***-blocked Scaramucci for six months.’” ……….oh Mooch, you had so much potential, and yet we hardly knew you. I have to admit I was despondent when you were let go after only 11 days on the job. File under: Opportunities Lost

#7 - Sean Spicer, former Press Secretary for President Donald J Trump: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, PERIOD!," ……….are you convinced now?

#6 – Governor John Kasich of Ohio (R), in his 2017 book “Two Paths: Divided or United” on the proposal from Donny Jr, that he run as DJT’s VP: “"He would leave the running of the country to someone else and keep his focus on the smoke-and-mirror aspects of the job of president, helping Americans feel that he was somehow making their lives better just by being at the helm."

#5 - Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (R): "Because of the manner in which you have handled the Charlottesville tragedy, you are now receiving praise from some of the most racist and hate-filled individuals and groups in our country. For the sake of our nation -- as our President -- please fix this …History is watching us all,"

#4 - Senator John McCain of Arizona (R): "To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain 'the last best hope of earth' for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history."

#3 - Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee (R) “Unfortunately, I think world leaders are aware that much of what he (Donald J. Trump) says is untrue. Certainly, people here are, because these things are provably untrue. They are just factually incorrect, and people know the difference. So I don’t know why he lowers himself to such a low, low standard, and debases our country in the way that he does, but he does. . . . It’s unfortunate that our nation finds itself in this place.”

#2 - Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona (R): “Reckless, outrageous, and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is when it is actually just reckless, outrageous, and undignified. And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy”

#1 – President Donald J. Trump – “Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart….I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!”

“Genius”… of course, it’s as plain as the nose on my face. How did I miss it?

The best fiction writers in the world can’t make this stuff up. As for me, an amateur blogger, well, the truth is I’m pretty lazy, and it’s just easier to let Republicans do my job for me.

Monday, January 1, 2018

#79 - An Open Letter to Trump Supporters

In the final years of her life, my mother would receive a blood transfusion once a month or so to counter the effects of a pronounced loss of iron which doctors couldn't explain.   A petite and energetic woman all her life, the blood transfusions treated the symptoms of her illness, and made her feel strong again, it made her feel...alive.  However, as the effects of this energy boost would wear off, and they always did, it was a constant reminder of just how weak she had become.

I suspect that historians will look back at the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and call it out as a turning point for America.  At this point, it's too early to know how the story ends, but our wonderful country is at a critical crossroad in its very young history, and we must ask the driver of the bus to choose our path forward with care and foresight.

To Trump supporters everywhere, I must disclose that I did not vote for your candidate. While a few of his positions held some appeal for me, the majority of them did not, but more importantly, I simply believed he was horrible person, and I thought he would be a terrible president.  I won't recount all the reasons why, I shouldn't have to.  You are aware of all of them yourselves, but you have chosen to ignore them or to rationalize that they are simply not important to you, because unlike other politicians before him, Mr. Trump has given you a voice. Never before in recent American politics has one person looked inside you and shouted out to the rest of the country that you have been wronged.  Never before has any one candidate understood how angry you are, for being ignored for so many years.

I can't feel your pain. I can't walk in your shoes, no matter how hard I might try.  If I had been working all my life, but felt that no matter how hard I had pushed, or how fast I had run, that  I was just standing still, going nowhere, and if I believed the system and my country had let me down, I would feel the same.

And whatever challenges or difficulties I have faced in my lifetime, I am sure that they pale in comparison to yours.  So who am I to tell you how you should feel, or how you should think.  I have no right to do so.

So I won't.  But I will tell you, something you may not have previously considered. it's your turn to to lead.

Donald Trump helped you discover for yourselves, that you had a voice, and it had been so long, you had just about forgotten. He gave you that blood transfusion that you so badly needed to feel good again.  He was just what the doctor ordered, at least for a moment, an oh so brief moment.

And for those reasons, you may feel that you owe him a debt of gratitude.  You might believe you owe him your loyalty and your ongoing support.

Please my friends, you must understand this is not true. You do not owe him a thing, for has been courting you, using you, cosying up to you, playing to your emotions solely for his own selfish reasons, solely for the benefit of his own oversized ego, solely for his own political gain.  But because of your upbringing, because of your sense of fairness, you believe that you owe him a debt, just for helping you feel better, for giving you hope.

Unfortunately Mr. Trump has only been parroting back your symptoms to you in order to gain your loyalty, and he has done nothing to cure the illness that may consume us all.  He promised he would Make America Great Again, he would Drain the Swamp, he would Repeal And Replace, it would easy.  He would build a wall, it would solve all of our problems, and it would be beautiful.   All of this would come to be, so much so that you would get tired of winning.  

So he said, but he never actually told us how he would do this, and now, almost a year into his administration, all we see is disruption.  There are no new ideas, no clear vision, no meaningful path forward and no true leadership. There is just chaos.  Chaos everywhere we look. 

And in the process, in the blink of eye, we have risked losing the very soul of our nation which was born into the world by some of the greatest men in history and then nurtured and fed by other talented leaders for close to two and half centuries.

We want to believe that life is simple.  We go to school, we grow up, we get married, we all look for our place in society and get jobs. Some of us are lucky enough to turn those jobs into careers.  We do our best to raise our kids, we try to be good examples and teach them how they should live their lives.  We do our best to plan for retirement, and we all work hard.  Multiply these routine life challenges by 300+ million individuals or so, add in other macro concerns such as taking care of the most vulnerable among us, maintaining a complex infrastructure, defending individual rights, fighting terrorism, engaging in multiple wars, and sometimes, sometimes, when we stop to think about world we are leaving for our children, our grandchildren and all the generations to come, sometimes we work to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Layer in the inherent responsibility that comes from being the strongest country on the planet, economically and militarily, and that, historically speaking anyway, we have held the role of moral authority for the free world, and well, the simple fact is, life is just not that simple.

Of course everything I have said is as plain as day, so what's the point?

The point is, my friends, we must acknowledge the difficulties and challenges of real leadership.  The world is complex and there are no easy answers. We need leaders with intelligence and skills and experience and real ideas.  We need the best and the brightest of our people. We need leaders with the right character, temperament, fitness, and moral authority, leaders who can teach and guide, inspire and motivate, leaders who can show us, there is a better way.  And, in our imperfect democracy, we need leaders who can reach intelligent consensus with others who have different opinions and beliefs.

But most of all, most of all, we need leaders who understand in every fiber of their being, that it's not about them.  It's about everyone else.  And that the honor and privilege of successfully serving others is the ultimate reward.

So my friends I say to you that your candidate is not the medicine you need to cure your ills.  He is not the candidate to cure any of our ills.   He never was.  Deep down, you know this. No one has to tell you.  Still, you just can't find a way to let go.  But let go, you must.

None of us know what will follow in the years after Trump. No one can guarantee you that these years will be better for you and your lives will immediately improve, but you must know by now, that Donald Trump is not the answer for you, or for anyone else, and he is certainly not the answer for the country

Your time has arrived, and you must not let it slip by.  You must speak out now and tell your candidate that while you voted for him in early November of last year, you can no longer provide him support.   You will no longer provide him with the life sustaining blood transfusions he so desperately needs to keep lurching forward, in desperate search of any “win” in any undefined arena.  You must put an end to his ponzi scheme of hate and vitriol, pointing to all sorts of individuals and groups as the enemy, all to conceal the fact that this emperor is wearing no clothes. 

And as you end the blood transfusions to his ongoing campaign, he will get weaker, and you will grow stronger. And you will find your own voice

Yes, my friends, you are driving the bus. You have been doing so all along.  You just never realized it.

I understand what I ask is not easy,  It will seem unnatural, and you will have to dig deep to resurface your own strength, but please, understand that there is no loss of honor here.  Fresh air will fill your lungs and you will feel good again, for you will gradually recall, that honesty with oneself only leads to a higher dignity.  Sadly, so very sadly, our president does not understand this fundamental principle of humanity, but it is my fervid belief, that you do.  

This is why you are not like him. This is why you are so much better than him. This is why, it's your turn to lead.

This is your time. The country is waiting friends, and the whole world is watching.