Thursday, November 23, 2017

#73- Republican Leaders Sink To New Low

In a desperate attempt to prove they are not a bunch of bungling, selfish bullies, masquerading as the leadership of our country, the Republican led Senate firmed up plans to fleece the American Public and jam through a bunch of tax cuts under the guise of tax reform.

The Senate released the 515-page text of its sweeping tax legislation for the first time Monday evening — and Republican leaders are now planning to hold a floor vote on it within 10 days.   10 days!

Oh and by the way, in between those 10 days, instead of actually discussing and debating the implications of the bill, Mitch McConnell, the Obstructor in Chief, and the other disinguine, power hungry abusers took a week off, so they could all celebrate Thanksgiving back in their home states and give thanks to the short-sighted obliviousness of their own base who will believe anything they hear, as long as it's not from a liberal snowflake.

So you appreciate the implications of the incredible brevity in play here, in contrast, the last time we had a rewrite of the tax code back in 1986, the process took months, and the Affordable Care Act, which Republicans have assailed for seven years now, all to no avail, took six months.

Oh, and there is one more reason for the expeditious process, my friends.  Republicans don't want you to know what's really in it. They claim it's a tax break for middle America, while the real winners are the ultra rich. And, and, and, because it's going to increase the annual deficit to the tune of $1.5 trillion over the next ten years, it will mortgage the futures of your children and your children's children, so a few bungling idiots might appear relevant for once in their sorry lives.

If Republicans were really serious about tax reform, it would go through the time honored process of discussion, review and debate...discussion, review and debate.  Sadly, Republicans continue with their obstructionist agenda, having concluded that our country does not deserve that luxury

That’s because they wasted the better part of the year failing to Repeal and Replace...something, we are not exactly sure what, and all because Donny Sr. and all the Little Trumps want something to brag about at their Christmas table.

At least one GOP senator has complained about the pace of the proposed legislation.  “I’ve got a real problem with this process,’’ Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said Monday on WISN radio. “I would prefer that this bill would’ve been introduced months ago.’’

“Months ago” Republican senator.  Sigh, common sense, once a stable trait of the Grand Ol’ Party, the party with which I used to vote, is now in the clear minority of its members.

Why is this so upsetting? Well, one independent analysis found Tuesday that the Senate legislation would result in between $1.3 trillion and $1.5 trillion in lost revenue over 10 years — EVEN AFTER CONSIDERING ECONOMIC GROWTH EFFECTS. The Penn-Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania released the finding, which counters assertions from the bill’s proponents that it would pay for its tax cuts with increased growth. THE TRUTH IS WE DON’T YET KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE, BUT 10 DAYS, INCLUDING THE WEEK OF THANKSGIVING, IS A SURE SIGN THAT REPUBLICAN LEADERS ARE HIDING SOMETHING.

You should note that Penn-Wharton is that fine university where Donald J. Trump supposedly matriculated, but can we be sure? Has anyone ever seen his graduation certificate?

Republicans won’t be draining any swamps in the near future. They are too busy digging new ones.

[Data points from today’s post from Sahil Kapur of Bloomberg News, righteous indignation courtesy of WMTN(m)]

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