Sunday, October 22, 2017

# 67 - Gold Star Family and the Art of the Lie

Let me distill the politicizing of the loss incurred by our Gold Star Families.  No one is blameless in this shameless endeavor, but once again, DJT and his administration lead the league in offensive fouls because of a now over-used tactic, honed and perfected by President Donald J. Trump over the course of his miserable life, the Art of the Lie. 

1) The absurdity of all this started with DJT.  It always starts with DJT.   DJT made the erroneous statement that Obama and other predecessors never called the families of fallen soldiers, a fact that was successfully disputed about 30 seconds after the words came out of his mouth (DJT Lie #1).

2) This was followed by comments from Congresswomen Frederica Wilson of Florida, a family friend of one of the fallen soldiers killed in Niger.  Wilson was invited by the family to listen to the incoming call from DJT who attempted to offer his condolences.   At best ,DJT was clumsy in his delivery (and Democrats are surprised by this?).  But sadly, Wilson felt compelled to reveal the clumsiness of the Trump conversation about this family’s loss and score political points along the way (Democratic Accurate but Extremely Self-Serving Statement #1).

3) DJT then came out and told the world, the Congresswomen lied about the content of the conversation, a point subsequently refuted by, wait, wait for it….DJT’s own Chief of Staff, John Kelly.  (DJT Lie #2).  When members of the Trump administration can’t even lie in unison…you just have to wonder.

4) Then, Kelly jumped into the fray and was doing an admiral job of defending his boss until, like his boss who never admits an error and responds with more lies, Kelly felt compelled to go in to attack mode.   Kelly accused Wilson of bragging about securing $20 million for a South Florida F.B.I. building and twisting President Barack Obama’s arm to do so.  But  the video, released by The Sun Sentinel, showed that during her nine-minute speech, Ms. Wilson never took credit for getting the money for the building, only for helping pass legislation naming the building after two fallen federal agents. She never mentioned pleading with Mr. Obama, and she acknowledged the help of several Republicans, including John A. Boehner, then the House speaker; Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart and Carlos Curbelo; (DJT Lie #3).

For those of this who held out hope that John Kelly would get this administration on the right track, this was incredibly disappointing, as it was now clear that this highly respected individual had now officially been turned to the Dark Side.   Where is Luke Skywalker when we need him?

OK, so now let’s tally up the score.  DJT and his administration outwardly lied three times to make their points, while Congresswoman Wilson spoke the truth but did so to score political points, once.
So, The Art of Lie is apparently alive and well and living in the White House.  Unbeknownst to us, this must be the price we have to pay to… Drain the Swamp.  

To put the icing on the cake, when White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders took a question about Kelly’s surprising complicity with the Liar-in-Chief, she suggested to the White House Press Corp that it was “highly inappropriate” and inferred it was unpatriotic, to get into a debate with a four star general.  The statement t had most Republicans shaking their heads in dismay….again.

When Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was asked if it was fair to tell Americans that they shouldn’t criticize generals, he simply replied “not in this country”.  

Thank you sir.   As someone who used to lean right, it’s comforting to know that many Republicans still do know the difference between right and wrong.

[Note this is also the same Senator Graham who once called Trump a “race baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.”  I love it when Republicans channel my inner me.]  

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