Friday, September 29, 2017

#63 - In the Crosshairs of DJT's DOJ

So I took the day off from work today, a beautiful sunny fall day in New England, there is nothing like it really,  but a story caught my attention, that sent a chill up my spine.

As reported in the New York Post and on CNN today, that the Trump administration reportedly has obtained search warrants that would allow them access to the Facebook pages of thousands of anti-Trump protesters.

The requested data would include information on about 6,000 individuals who “liked” an anti-Donald Trump Facebook page, according to CNN.

Welcome to Donald Trump’s America, Welcome to the New World. It appears that DJT feels emboldened after calling out NFL protesters as SOB’s and telling the owners they should be fired.   He need’s to feed more red meat to his base, and must now target others who don't think he walks on water.  By vilifying others, he keeps all of his supporters marching to the beat of his own perverted drum.

Now it’s probably even money that I could eventually become a target of this probe, for in addition to posting “With Malice Toward None (...mostly)” to my small Facebook page, I post to half a dozen left leaning Facebook groups including a couple which are specifically Anti-Trump in nature.

My posts seem to resonate with those groups, and as there are over 60 posts, most of which deal with the natural born incompetence and egotistical, selfish persona of DJT, and average a couple of pages in length, I am thinking yes, I may eventually end up in the crosshairs of the DOJ. 

But that is fine by me, I welcome the fight.  So tell Jeff Sessions, that he can come and get me, I’ll be here waiting for him, but tell him this, and please quote me accurately.

“I’ll give you my keyboard when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

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