Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#44 - Occam's Razor

Occam's Razor is a principle from philosophy. Suppose two explanations exist for an occurrence. In this case the simpler one is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is.

This is worthy of note, because despite what my more liberal friends would like to think, I don't believe Donald Trump is personally guilty of collusion with the Russians in last November’s presidential  election.  It's the reason why I have written sparingly on this topic

In the beginning, my opinion was formed by my belief that Trump wouldn't be that dumb to actually try to coordinate and work the process and execute whatever nefarious steps would need to be taken, and actually risk getting caught.  As much as he wanted to be a winner, as much as he wanted to beat Hillary Clinton, as much as he apparently wanted a bro-mance with Vladimir, I just never thought that he was crazy enough to try and pull it off.  

However, my opinion on this topic has actually changed over the last couple of months.

Oh it's not that I think he colluded in any way, I still don’t believe that.  It’s just based on his ongoing ineptitude and that of his administration; I came to the realization that the simple answer is, he doesn't have the required competency to pull it off. 

On any given day, he causes more damage to his own administration than all the collective liberals, democrats and republican Never-Trumpers combined.  Knowing this, how could he possibly be competent enough to proactively collude with the Russians?

No, it's just not possible.  Occam’s Razor tells us the simpler explanation rules.

To my more liberal friends, this realization will be disappointing.  They may harbor hopes that proof of collusion would lead to impeachment by the Republican controlled House and the Republican controlled Senate.  No, that is not going to happen.

I have to add that while I do believe a Pence administration would be better for the country overall, despite the man’s homophobic tendencies, on a purely personal note I don't want to see the Trump administration go away.  No, not at all.  As an amateur blogger, it offers up so much daily material, one does not know where to begin.  As I have said, it is the gift that keeps on giving.

No I don't want to see Trump go away.

For when you get right down to it, I am a lot like Donald Trump himself….It’s all about me.    

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