Just when I think President Trump can't do anything more to sabotage his own administration, he takes it up yet another notch. I can't help thinking that former President Reagan, if he were alive, would want to pull him aside, and softly, gently, lovingly, whisper in his ear.... "There you go again"
Beyond all the actions of the Trump team in looking inept at their decision, their rationale and the execution of the firing of James Comey, Trump just couldn't let it go, he had to fire out one last Tweet.
"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"I know, I am stating the obvious here. Something that 99% of the Free World will understand. If you are going to go to the trouble of secretly taping some one, you don't then hint that you are secretly taping them. Ask Richard Nixon how that all worked out for him,
Ken Starr, former independent special prosecutor into Bill Clinton's Real Estate Investments (now there's a serious reason for a special prosecutor), observed on This Week with George Stephanopoulas that Congress is fully within its rights to subpoena those tapes for their own investigation. So that means, even if the Deputy Attorney General doesn't name an independent prosecutor, Congress can still pull the tapes. So the Donald, through no one's fault other than his own, just opened the barn door wide for all to enter
But that's not the worst part. Now going forward, when the President wants to have confidential conversation with any Democrat, Republican, fellow businessman or a foreign leader, they are ALL going to mute their advice, if they think they are being taped and their comments might come back to bite them. For the man who wrote the Art of the Deal, and for the man who demands loyalty from all around him, he does little to earn their trust in return.
Maybe working with others is not so important to this president, maybe he really believes that he doesn't need anyone else to fix the Country. Maybe he believes, that he alone can fix it.
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