Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Generally speaking, the Women's March on Washington was a pretty impressive showing, a real example of Americans exercising their constitutional rights and protesting peacefully, and if Mr. Trump was impressed with the crowds he drew during his own campaign, now, President Trump, should (if he could be impartial) be equally impressed with the crowds that gathered in Washington and 600+ other locations around the country.  If Democrats can build on this momentum, they might actually have something going into the election cycle, but just as I have called out our new president for (just some of) his poor behaviour during his campaign, I have to call out the organizers of the March for, at least in my opinion, some errors in judgment
  • The number of women who said, that Mr. Trump was not "their" president.  Maybe this a pet peeve of mine, but please, stop it, you're killing me.  You are entitled to your opinion on him, and you may not like him, but if you are an citizen of the USA, then he is your president. To say otherwise, is just false.  And here is the bigger picture. If every Democrat keeps insulting the President, so they can feel better, we never move forward.  I understand, you don't like the way Republicans treated Obama, and maybe you can't stand much of what President Trump has said, but expect more of yourselves, break the cycle and be the better man - or in this case, be the better woman.   
  • Hollywood Screenings - I don't understand this.  Didn't the organizers of the March think it was a good idea to have their Hollywood speakers actually audition for their roles? This seems like a reasonable thing to me.  Ask them what they plan to say and ask them how they are going to say it.  And if they don't bring their A game, you don't put them on the stage.  They can still walk with all the real people.  Madonna clearly brought her F game, and I am not even sure, they should even have let her walk.   Ashley Judd completely overdid the Nasty thing, picking up on Mr. Trump's commentary about Hillary, but really, do Democrats have to stoop so low and emulate the man they were protesting this day? There just has to be a better way.  Scarlet Johanson was better.  At one point, she actually called President Trump her president. Thank you Scarlet, your honesty is refreshing (and I thought you were great in the Avengers, I can't wait for the sequel)
    • Here's the point Democrats, Hollywood didn't do any favors for Hillary the last time around.  If you continue to go this route, at a minimum, you must learn to be more discriminating. Because when you're not, you turn off middle America, and I would hope you know by now, you need middle America.
  • I only saw this reported once, so I am personally not certain of its accuracy.   CNN had a correspondent from the USA Today on one of their round-table panels, who reported that some Pro-Life women were either asked or told not to participate. If it's true, it's just another opportunity lost.  If you are Pro-Choice, you want to look for common grounds with Pro-Life supporters.  If President Trump just happens to be the catalyst (the enemy of my enemy is my friend), then go with it.  You need a bigger tent, bring people in, don't kick them out.
But overall, despite my criticisms, the Democrats, led admirably by the women, had a very good day, 

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